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Packraft expedition day on the Verdon

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Packraft expedition day on the Verdon. Castellane/Point Sublime route.

  • Meet at 9:30 am at our base in Castellane. Welcome and preparation of individual equipment: Storage of picnics and drinks in the dry bags, then departure by minibus to reach the boarding by the river.
  • Inflating of the packrafts, checking of safety equipment (life jacket, helmet), guide briefing, navigation instructions...
  • And off we go down the Gorges in a packraft. Direction: The Sublime Point!
 25 kilometers of navigation during which you will enjoy a grandiose landscape and the turquoise waters of this river.
  • The course is gradual. The first few kilometers will allow you to familiarise yourself with your boat. Then the cliffs that shape the gorges will begin to appear and the river will gradually narrow. We approach the first big rapid, that of the "Barre St Jean". It's time to make sure

Description Packraft : Packraft expedition day

  1. • During the day, you can of course take breaks to take photos, swim in the refreshing waters of the Verdon, or simply enjoy the incredible landscape that surrounds you.
  2. • We will also stop on a small beach for a picnic break, or even for a little nap...
  3. • Then, the Adventure will continue on slightly more turbulent waters. The cliffs around us are + and + high. We approach the Grand Canyon. Open your eyes wide! But stay focused: the last rapid, the Solitaire will require your full attention if you want to stay in the boat
  4. It is about 4:30 p.m., one last effort: go up the path that leads to the parking lot of the Samson Corridor (30 min) where our bus is waiting for us. But don't panic, the advantage of packrafts is that they are super light and ultra compact, so easy to transport.
  5. • Return to the base by minibus (30 min)

Localisation Packraft : Packraft expedition day

You can use this map to locate and calculate your route by clicking on the marker. The estimated time by Google is to increase by 20%, which corresponds to our small mountain roads.

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